The Era of Peace with Patricia Cota-Robles
How do we know what our inner truth is? Especially if we're not used to tuning in to our inner guidance. Patricia Cota-Robles is the co-founder and president of the nonprofit educational organization New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc., which sponsors the Annual World Congress on Illumination.
She is a truly inspirational being of light who is in conversation with me, your host Sally Page, today in an episode of Ignite Your Sacred Light that will flood you with love as you transmute any negative fear-based thinking you might have, and awaken your higher consciousness. Is your curiosity piqued?
Perhaps the universe is giving you signs and you don’t quite know how to process them. Maybe, like me, you’ve experienced a dark night of the soul and you know that there is now more for you to do, and be. Or perhaps you are receiving colors and patterns while in dream state. Fear not!
Understanding our I AM presence is what Patricia is addressing today, as we walk together on this journey. As Patricia says so eloquently, “God doesn't release one electron of energy that isn't the infinite perfection of God." We are never given more than we can handle, and what Patricia is giving us in this episode is a blessing of infinite proportions.
"The ego isn't something we can kill and destroy. It's a part of us that's been distorted into this gross mutation. So we need to take this aspect into our heart, flooding it with love, and asking our I AM presence to take command and transform this fragmented, fear-based aspect back into its higher aspect -- back into light." ~ Patricia Cota-Robles
In This Episode:
- Invoking the sacred knowledge from the heart of God
- I am my I AM presence – connecting with our higher divinity
- Being in a place of fear (our fragmented fear-based consciousness)
- "God doesn't release one electron of energy that isn't the infinite perfection of God."
- What to do when you start receiving signs from the universe
- Raising our I AM presence so that we vibrate at a higher frequency
- Receiving patterns and colors while in a dream-state
- How our human miscreation needs to be flooded with light and forgiveness
- The illusion that we are alone
- Understanding the fifth dimension and the alchemy that is taking place
- How nothing is happening by accident
- Patricia shares the pain of losing her son — yet seeing the light thereafter
- Celestial alignments and other monumental moments that are happening now
And more!
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